Lea Gate, Preston 2022

Explore the successful retail and HGV refuelling project at Lea Gate, Preston, featuring Berry's cutting-edge forecourt equipment.

Lea gate project

Lea Gate, in Preston, was a developer lead project which covered retail and HGV refuelling. The project used Berrys extensive range of forecourt equipment, from tank ventilation to below-ground pump Sumps.  

A crucial aspect of the project was transporting and fitting Mono chambers, as they were over 30,000 litres in capacity and arrive at the site pre-assembled. Although this is logistically challenging, once delivered, installers can see a vast amount of progress in project completion. Pipework positions be determined easily from chamber to fill and chamber to pump. Using the seamless plug-and-play system Berrys products offer along with PLX one weld fittings.  

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