Sainsburys, Dunstable 2019

Sainsburys selects Berrys plug-and-play range for rapid installation, streamlining fuel transfer methods in Dunstable.

Sainsburys project


Sainsburys logo

Under strict time constraints, Sainsbury's asked us to provide our full plug-and-play range. In order to reduce on-site installation times our Fill Master, Vent Master, Easy Riser and Mono chambers were chosen to interlink pipework and eventually construct the core of Sainsbury's fuel transfer methods in Dunstable.  

This is a prime example of rapid installation. Aliaxis one weld pipework along with our predefined entry positions meant attaching pipe and linking up Tank chambers seamlessly. A strong relationship with installers also allows this process to run as smoothly as possible, with on-time orders and clear instructions we were able to complete Sainsbury's Dunstable in time for launch.  

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